
How to Follow Your Intuition

Lessons from Patañjali’s Yogasūtra



It’s not uncommon to hear “just follow your intuition” or “listen to your gut” when trying to decide what is the next best step for you. But, it’s easy to get tripped up on the “how” of that: how do I follow my intuition? How can I discern my intuition from anxiety or my patterns? Patañjali’s answer in Chapter 2 of the Yogasūtra is: viveka khyāti. viveka khyāti means the “experience of discernment” and it is the skill of accurately discerning what is (or is not!) your intuition, followed by the courage to take steps that are aligned with your knowing, not your patterns. It’s a practice that takes time, and well, practice, which is why we are hosting a two hour workshop exploring this topic in-depth. If you have ever wondered if you are making the right choices, or if you are acting in alignment with your knowing, this is for you!  

Recording available until March 31st

Duration: 2 Hours

Teacher: Chase Bossart

Cost: $67  $15 until March 15th

Location: Student Portal.

Expect to Explore

In this two hour workshop we will discuss:

  • Discerning intuition from patterns
  • The signs of intuition versus the signs of patterning 
  • The role intuition plays in our life
  • Where discernment comes from and how to develop it
  • Tips for tuning into your Knowing, and how to follow through on the messages provided

Who is this for?

  • Spiritual seekers looking to understand the path of Yoga and apply it in their daily life
  • Yoga practitioners seeking to deepen their practice and experience of Yoga
  • Yoga teachers looking to expand their understanding of the sūtras
  • Anyone seeking to deepen their experience of divinity in or through living their life
  • Yoga teachers exploring the relationship between their teaching and their life
  • People who feel modern “self help” lacks depth or substance
  • Anyone interested in Eastern Philosophy

Your Instructor

Chase Bossart

Executive Director of the Yoga Well Institute, Chase has been studying Yoga, Sanskrit, eastern philosophy and religion for nearly 30 years. In 1991, as part of a study abroad program in Chennai, India, Chase took a semester-long course on Yoga Theory with Mr. TKV Desikachar that essentially set the direction for the rest of his life. He became a private student of Mr. Desikachar, who was his mentor and teacher for 20+ years.