
Āyurveda for Sleep

with Elizabeth Cunningham Bossart

In the Āyurvedic tradition sleep is one of the most important practices for our overall well being. And yet so many of us experience problems and disruption to our sleep patterns that end up having ramifications on our systems and overall state. 

While there are many general practices in Āyurveda that can help just about anyone get a better night’s rest, identifying the exact qualities that are affecting your sleep quality will help you implement the practices that will have the greatest impact on getting you on track to more restful rest. 

Join Elizabeth Cunningham Bossart for Āyurveda for Sleep and explore the root causes of what is keeping you from sleeping well and learn some tips for how to address your specific tendencies through the lens of Āyurveda. 

In this workshop you will clearly identify if you are someone who’s biggest struggle is falling asleep or  staying asleep. What are the qualities of your thoughts as you lie in bed, the qualities of your dreams? Do you wake up easily or are you prone to hitting the snooze repeatedly? 

Once you have identified not only what keeps you from getting the most out of your sleep Elizabeth will share simple and easily implemented practices to help you on the road towards better sleep and ultimately improved well-being.

Recording available until March 31st

Duration: 75 minutes

Teacher: Elizabeth Cunningham Bossart

Cost: $30  $15 until March 15th

Location: Student Portal.

Expect to Explore

What students will explore:

  • How Āyurveda understands sleep and its overall importance to whole body health.
  • How to identify the qualities and habits from when you are both awake and asleep that are keeping you from a restful night’s sleep.
  • What Āyurvedic practices you can implement in order to improve your overall sleep habits and improve everything from your mood to your productivity!

Your Instructor


Elizabeth Cunningham Bossart

Elizabeth Bossart is a well-seasoned Practitioner of Āyurveda. She holds Masters degrees in Teaching and in Āyurveda and is a Certified Āyurvedic Practitioner from the Mt. Madonna Institute College of Āyurveda.

In the winter of 2018, she returned from completing a 5-week Āyurvedic internship in India and is eager to share her wealth of knowledge and experience with you. Join her to study Āyurveda, the Science of Life and its applicability to your everyday joy, health, and well-being.

A Special Message from Elizabeth:

“I love teaching about food because it’s every day. It is what we do every day, it’s the choices we make every day. There is some way we can be empowering ourselves by the choices we make.”