
Yoga, Āyurveda, and Relationships

“The success of Yoga does not lie in the ability to perform postures but in how it positively changes the way we live our life and our relationships.” T.K.V. Desikachar 

The above Desikachar quote is a favorite of so many. And for good reason. 

By giving us a way to gauge the effects our practice is having, Desikachar takes Yoga from the intangible to the tangible. And he takes our attention off of what is happening within us and asks us to notice how we are engaging with the world around us. 

In Yoga, Āyurveda, and Relationships Chase Bossart and Elizabeth Cunningham Bossart will discuss the power of personal practices and their effect on not only our closest relationships but to the relationships that extend beyond our immediate circles. They will also shine light on how our personal practices are in their own relationship with those around us and shed light on how to successfully maintain personal work and commitment while also honoring your commitments to others. 

How we exist in this world is reflected back to us by those around us, the ways in which we take care of and work on ourselves are the mirror. 

This workshop is intended to help anyone struggling with maintaining personal practices or lifestyle choices while still navigating the realities of a Householder. Chase and Elizabeth will also share insights from over 17 years of sharing a life together while also diving deeply into their practices and professional fields. 

All enrolled participants in this workshop are welcome to participate with a person they are in relationship with so both can benefit! Watch in the company of your chosen guest or reach out to [email protected] and we will help your guest access the live workshop. 

A recording of this workshop will be posted in the student portal of all enrolled participants.

Recording available until March 31st

Duration: 2 Hours

Teacher: Chase Bossart and Elizabeth Cunningham Bossart

Cost: $59  $15 until March 15th

Location: Student Portal.

Expect to Explore:

  • What it means to view your relationships as a gauge for how your personal practice and care is working through you.
    How to navigate maintaining a personal practice or care routine within the responsibilities of everyday life.
    Ways to support those in your life in their efforts to care for themselves.

Your Instructor

Chase Bossart

Executive Director of the Yoga Well Institute, Chase has been studying Yoga, Sanskrit, eastern philosophy, and religion for nearly 30 years. 

In 1991, as part of a study abroad program in Chennai, India, Chase took a semester-long course on Yoga Theory with Mr. TKV Desikachar that essentially set the direction for the rest of his life. He became a private student of Mr. Desikachar, who was his mentor and teacher for 20+ years. During that time, he spent a total of four and a half years in Chennai studying with him, his family, and his senior teachers. He also had the opportunity to serve as a teacher at the Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram. From 2006-2012, he was the Director of Therapy and Education at the non-profit Healing Yoga Foundation in San Francisco.

His depth of knowledge on yoga and meditation is shared through practical, humorous anecdotes that translate to everyday life.

Elizabeth Cunningham Bossart, M.A.
Elizabeth Cunningham Bossart

Elizabeth Bossart is a well-seasoned Practitioner of Āyurveda. She holds Masters degrees in Teaching and in Āyurveda and is a Certified Āyurvedic Practitioner from the Mt. Madonna Institute College of Āyurveda.

In the winter of 2018, she returned from completing a 5-week Āyurvedic internship in India and is eager to share her wealth of knowledge and experience with you. Join her to study Āyurveda, the Science of Life and its applicability to your everyday joy, health, and well-being.


A Special Message from Elizabeth:

“I love teaching about food because it’s every day. It is what we do every day, it’s the choices we make every day. There is some way we can be empowering ourselves by the choices we make.”